The most important references:
- We are currently working in a consortium led by CSTB on EPC RECAST project H2020 focused on development of process and a toolbox supporting the new generation of energy performance certificate, ENBEE focus is on compliance with CEN standards and EU regulations, methodology and protocol on energy certificate, key performance indicators, renovation passport, measured energy (operational rating), policy recommendations
- The ALDREN (ALliance for Deep RENovation in buildings) project H2020 , focused on encouraging investment and accelerating the movement towards a nearly zero energy non-residential building stock across the EU and development of European Common Voluntary Certificate
- Expertise in the CEN standards for the EPBD development o (the cost optimal level calculation, measured energy consumption)
- Sub-consultancy on “Program Slovakia 2021-2027”, with reference to “Energy Efficiency and Renewable Actions in European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund Programmes 2021 - 2027” (Ramboll, Denmark)
- Sub-consultancy “Assessment of Partnership Agreement, Slovakia”, to contract “Energy Efficiency and Renewable Actions in European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund Programmes 2021 - 2027” (Rambøll, Denmark)
- Contribution to Study on “Comparison of the Requirements for NZEBs – Residential Buildings from 2021 in Germany and 10 Neighbouring Countries” (IWU, Germany)
- “Policy Dialogue to Support Investment in Energy Efficiency in Residential Buildings in Ukraine" (EBRD, ENVIROS)
- Development of “Voluntary common European Union certification scheme for the energy performance of non-residential buildings” in accordance with Article 11 (9) of the EPBD.
- Representation of ECOS (European Environmental Citizens Organisation for Standardisation), in CEN technical committees for thermal protection of buildings
- Training for calculating cost-optimal level of energy performance: ENGIE
- Design energy rating, SO 01 Transportation Centre, Volkswagen
- Design energy rating, Kindergarten Záhorská Bystrica - reconstruction,
extension phase 2, Ing.arch Ladislav Slabey
Traning activieties:
- Training for bank on EU Taxonomy and legislation on energy efficiency and energy performance of buildings (SLSP)
- CEN-CE project H2020 (CEN Standards Certified Experts) EU-wide qualification and training - Operational and organizational design of the CEN-CE scheme and Economic calculations (EN 15459)
- H2020 ingREeS project grant no. 649925 "WP3: Lead Module Expert", Development of training modul: "AM3 – Second generation of EPB standard and NZEB" []
- iepd, DBU, School of Sustainable Architecture: "The Current Situation in Legislation in the Field of Energy Perfromance of Buildings []
- iepd, Fakulty of Architecture: Summer School of Sustainable Architecture for Students "Legislation for Assessing the Energy Efficiency of Buildings"